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Homemade Whipped Cream

Homemade Whipped Cream

Whipped cream is very versatile, and is a great way to add that final touch to a dessert or a coffee drink. Knowing how to make a basic whipped cream recipe, you can add your own flavoring touches (such as mint extract, Kahlua or cocoa powder). I prefer to make whipped cream with my whipped cream canister, but when I don't have whipped cream cartridges on hand, or if I plan to spread it onto a dessert, I will use my stand mixer. The key is to keep your bowl and whisk attachment cold. Any whipped cream you have leftover, store in an air tight container in your refrigerator.

Biggest tip: Taste it and personalize it! Start with less sugar, and add more if you want it sweeter. If you feel inspired to add a flavor, add a little at a time until you like the taste. Taste is such a personal thing, make your homemade whipped cream how you want it. 

Homemade Whipped Cream


1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup powdered sugar (up to 2/3 cup if you want sweeter)
1/2 tsp. vanilla


Stand mixer and electric hand mixer directions: 

 You will need a stand mixer with whisk attachment (or alternatively a metal bowl and electric hand mixer with whisk attachment). Chill the metal mixing bowl and whisk attachment in the freezer for 10 minutes prior to mixing cream. 

Pour heavy whipping cream into chilled bowl, and gradually bring speed setting up to medium-high speed. Once whipped cream starts thickening, reduce speed to low and gradually add powdered sugar to cream. Slowly increase speed back up to medium-high until whipped topping is thick enough to maintain it's shape (stiff peak consistency). Reduce speed to medium and add vanilla extract, just until combined. 

Whipped Cream Canister directions: 

You will need a whipped cream canister and whipped cream (N20) cartridges for this process. Mix heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar and vanilla together with whisk in a bowl until combined. 

Pour mixture into whipped cream canister and place in refrigerator until ready for use, or at least 10 minutes. When ready to use, make sure your lid is on tight. Shake your canister well to remix liquid, then add N20 to internal mix, by screwing on whipped cream cartridge (per manufacture directions, see your manual for specifics on your device). Shake lightly until liquid sounds thicker (may even no longer sound like liquid). 

Tip: First little bit (about the first second or two of use) is occasionally be a bit thinner, so I always dispense the first second or two into a dish or sink rather than my dessert.

Want some cheesecake ideas to put that homemade whipped cream on? Go to my page KFO Cheesecake Tips and Recipe List


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